Giving Thanks and Saving Time!


If you are looking to find extra minutes in the day look no further than smart home technology.  A large part of the appeal to bringing technology into the home is the convenience provided.  Controlling devices remotely is nice, but it’s also convenient to have a smart speaker control those same devices for you simply by hearing your voice while you stay reclined in that comfortable chair.  Most smart home devices will save you some minutes as seen in the examples below, what you do with that extra time is ultimately up to you.

Digital assistants, in the form of smart speakers, can help you keep your feet up or your hands focused on other tasks.  These affordable devices can control lights, tell you if the front door is locked, and keep track of the grocery list.  While slightly more expensive, smart displays have arrived.  Giving you all the functionality of the smart speaker, these digital assistants can display a live camera feed, show you the steps to make those holiday turkey treats, or deliver the weekly forecast.

Save the time it takes to walk through the house on your way to bed.  Smart garage door openers, smart locks, and smart lights can all be controlled with your voice or your smartphone.

Robot vacuums, while not as powerful as their upright predecessors, are competent cleaners.  They aren’t cheap, but that investment will keep floors clean enough for you to skip some turns with your traditional vacuum.

Smart appliances can be expensive, but no more so than their less intelligent competitors.  If it’s time to replace a major appliance, consider adding some convenience provided by a smart version.  Washers and dryers can alert you when they finish, saving yet another trip downstairs to see time still left in the cycle.  Save a trip to the corner store for milk by pulling up the interior camera in your smart refrigerator from the grocery store.

All of us believe a few extra minutes would allow us to accomplish much more in our day.  The next time you are buying something for your home consider the smart version, it could directly impact what you are able to accomplish tomorrow.

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